Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Secret to a Good Presentation

Recently, Scheibel Halaska founder Mary Scheibel spoke to the Waukesha Business Alliance's breakfast club. Her presentation focused on creating differentiation for your business through PR. Strategies included meaningful branding, telling ‘sticky stories’, positioning your business as a thought leader, and aligning your marketing/PR with sales.

Michael Arnold posted a blog recognizing the value of the presentation for him and his business. What was the secret to such a successful event? Well, sharing secrets actually.

People are generally hesitant to expound upon their “trade secrets.” In fact, that is exactly what senior practitioners should be doing. With such a wealth of knowledge and expertise, their presentations should be solid and substantial, not fluff or gimmicky.

Remember, presentations are meant to help those attending, and Michael’s blog left us with the impression that he indeed walked away with something valuable.

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